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Guided Boost Video


Guided Boost

Educational Video


My coworker Benjamin Paras and I were challenged with creating a high-craft, low-budget video that explained the value of the “Boost Post” feature on Facebook ads.

I spearheaded the storyboard vision and art direction while Benjamin took our storyboards and brought them to life with animation. Within a month of its launch, the video garnered 2000 likes, 536 comments, and 119 shares.




Because the project had no copywriter, the project prompt was incredibly ambiguous at the start. Benji and I decided to start by brainstorming imagery for each of the Boost Post value props and see where they could be visually linked. From there, a loose storyboard was formed, and we distilled our favorite ideas into a more polished version.


Script + Sound

With the structure of our video in place, Benji and I worked with our creative director to write a loose script based on the animation timing. Benji researched license free music for us to utilize as the backdrop, while I continued to refine storyboards based on feedback from both the internal and partner team.


Final Touches

With the storyboards finalized, we submitted the script, visuals, and music for approval to legal. We adjusted some of the language to ensure Meta wasn’t promising something we couldn’t deliver.

With legal’s approval, I sifted through b-roll options to find clips that fit within our narrative and had the same actress for consistency.

Finally, to accommodate for accessibility, I double checked that the captions would not cover up any vital visual storytelling.


Final Video

If you listen carefully, I even provided the voiceover at the last minute when our original voice actor backed out the day before delivery. You can watch the final video in situ on Meta’s Business Facebook page.