
Meta Verified


Meta Verified

Onboarding Experience


I worked with Meta Verified product design partners over the course of several halves to progressively move the Meta Verified experience towards a North Star vision.

We began our collaboration in H2 of 2023, and together we successfully launched an animated Welcome State at the end of H1 2024.




I had several top level goals to keep in mind over the collaboration process:

  • Improve the adoption of Meta Verified by increasing understanding through clear visuals

  • Stay visually consistent throughout the flow from entry point to landing page

  • Utilize the Meta Verified Badge imagery in illustrations

However, because Meta Verified Tiered Subscriptions had limited engineering bandwidth when we started our collaboration, I had to approach design improvements in several stages, staggering over two halves. I separated recommendations into immediate, easy wins, and an ideal North Star.

Below is the product designers’ initial iteration that they approached me with.


First Iteration

In H1 2023, GVS and the Meta Verified team envisioned North Star designs, knowing we would be unable to implement all our “wish” items until a later date. In the meantime, we workshopped ways to integrate Business Accounts with Meta Verified to prevent drop off, and GVS delivered a static illustration as a lightweight, interim solution for the landing page.


Second Iteration

In H2 2024, we revisited opportunities to up-level the onboarding experience. Now, with the new context of the full Tiered Subscriptions experience, we iterated upon the design to closely adhere to the established Welcome State pattern within Meta’s Monetization patterns.

Through several XFN syncs, GVS brainstormed with the Meta Verified team on potential animation implementations that would meet both teams' goals while balancing timeline and bandwidth limitations. Ultimately, we utilized an existing animation framework in a new illustration as a way to increase visual interest, encourage user understanding of the value of Meta Verified, and deliver final assets in a timely manner.



Before the landing screen with animation, the payment rate was 5.2%, and after the launch of the Welcome State, the rate increased to 7.9%. This equates to a range of approximately $1-$2 million for Meta!

Below is the final landing page experience, and the home page that would follow onboarding.